
Dr. Chris Gill, P. Chem.
Professor of Chemistry and Co-Director of the Applied Environmental Research Laboratories
Dr. Chris Gill is Professor of Chemistry, an active adjunct faculty at three other institutions, and has specific expertise in analytical instrumentation development, laser spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS). His research interests include the development of ultra-trace, direct MS methods, including Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry (MIMS) and paper spray mass spectrometry (PS-MS), for in situ and rapid measurements of trace analytes in complex environmental and bioanalytical samples.

Dr. Erik Krogh, P. Chem
Professor of Chemistry and Co-Director of the Applied Environmental Research Laboratories
My research program addresses important environmental chemistry questions using emerging mass spectrometry (MS) techniques that enable the direct and continuous measurement of molecular determinants of environmental and human health.

Nick Davey, PhD
Post Doctoral Researcher
Development of new tools for studying the chemistry of the atmosphere, using mobilized mass spectrometers to capture both spatial and temporal variability. Mass spectrometry is employed to quantify a suite of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds at levels ranging from hundreds of parts per trillion to parts per billion. These extremely sensitive sensors can be used to identify point sources of pollution, map chemical concentration on regional scales, and monitor accidental chemical release into the environment.

Veronica Termopoli, PhD (Visiting Post Doc)
Post Doctoral Researcher
Veronica has been an active contributor and researcher for the AERL-Urbino collaboration regarding the coupling of direct liquid electron ionization with CP-MIMS, and recently, was a visiting Post Doc in the AERL group, funded by a Canada-Italy Innovation Award.

Armin Saatchi
Undergraduate Student
Armin joined the AERL team this past year, and has been making huge contributions to the development of PS-MS for harm reduction drug testing.

Greg Vandergrift, BSc
Ph.D. Student (University of Victoria/AERL)
Greg's research involves the development of CP-MIMS using direct liquid EI as a strategy for direct, trace level PAH monitoring, including direct soil measurement strategies. He was also instrumental in the early development of PS-MS methodologies for direct fentanyl analysis in urine and other complex samples.

Hannah Damer, BSc
Undergraduate Student (NSERC USRA)
Hannah's research is contributing to the development of miniature CP-MIMS interfaces using 3D priniting strategies and novel ionization strategy development.

Larissa Richards, BSc
PhD Candidate (University of Victoria/AERL)
Development of chemometric techniques for chemical fingerprinting of contaminated air samples for source identification and apportionment.

Morten Martinsen, BSc
PhD Candidate (NTNU/AERL)
Morten has been heavily involved with the development of mobile membrane introduction mass spectrometry for measurements of volatile organic compounds in water associated with heavy oil extraction. He is currently working as an environmental consultant in Norway, and will defend his thesis in Spring 2019.

Pascal Schorr, MSc
PhD Candidate at Humbolt University, Berlin
Pascal's research involves investigating vitamin D metabolism, and the development of novel MS analytical strategies to probe this important molecule and its metabolites in silico and in situ.

Scott Borden, BSc
Ph.D. Candidate (University of Victoria/AERL)
Development of novel ionization strategies for the analysis of small molecules in environmental and biological samples. Scott's current research involves direct fatty acid measurement strategies by using CP-MIMS with modified donor phases and the development of direct opioid measurement methods by PS-MS.

Daisy Feehan
Undergraduate Student (NSERC USRA)
Daisy's research involved the rapid screening of pharmaceutical compounds in complex samples, as well as fundamental studies of physicochemical properties of Naphthenic acids. She is currently in the law program at the University of Alberta.

Dana Short, BSc
Post Graduate Student at Concordia University
Dana is currently a graduate student at Concordia University, completing a Graduate Diploma in Computer Science.

Dane Letourneau, MSc
Dane is currently a Fromagier for a local craft cheese producer, and is actively exploring his other passion of craft beer brewing.

Derek van Pel, PhD
Medical School Student at the University of British Columbia
Derek completed a PhD at the University of Toronto and is currently a medical school student at the University of British Columbia

Donovan Lynch
Regional Accommodations Project Manager
Donovan is currently the Regional Accommodations Project Manager, Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Nanaimo
Gordon Buckingham, MSc

Hannah McSorley, BSc
Research Technician
Development and Application of an Ultra-Trace, Field Portable Nutrient Measurement System Based Upon Liquid Waveguide Technology

Kyle Duncan, PhD
Post Doctoral Fellow at Uppsala University
Development of rapid screening techniques for naphthenic acids and microcystins using direct sampling membrane introduction mass spectrometry. Kyle is now a Post Doctoral Fellow at Uppsala University in Sweden.

Lindsay Rear, MSc
Environmental Specialist, Hatfield Consultants, North Vancouver, BC

Mai Yamamoto, BSc
PhD Student at McMaster University

Martin Angelstad, MSc
Instrumentation Specialist, Maxxam, CNRL Horizon/ Fort McMurray, AB

Matheus Baltes, MSc
MSc Candidate at Lebniz Institute for New Materials

Megan Willis, BSc
PhD Student at the University of Toronto

Michael Lynch, PhD
Michael completed his PhD at the University of Washington. He is currently employed as a Senior Scientist at Redlen Technologies, Saanichton, BC.

Nathan Hogman, BSc
Undergraduate Student

Owen Stechishin, PhD, MD
Research Fellow at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute
After leaving VIU Dr. Stechishin completed his PhD at the University of Calgary and his MD at the University of Alberta. Owen is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Calgary.

Sandy Thompson, MSc
Project Environmental Manager, Vallard Geomantics, St. Johns, NFLD

Sarah Jones
Undergraduate Student

Skye Creba, MD
Emergency Room Physician